The Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi has said it will temporarily suspend its passport services this weekend, citing technical maintenance work scheduled on the Passport Seva Portal.
The portal will not be available from 6:30 pm on Thursday and will resume works by 4:30 am on Monday.
Henceforth, all passport-related services, including the emergency ‘Tatkal’ passport and police clearance certificates, will be unavailable at the Embassy and its BLS International centres. Services are expected to resume to normalcy post-conclusion of the maintenance work.
The Embassy, for those who had pre-booked appointments on Friday and Saturday, has automatically rescheduled those appointments between 2 and 8 September.
If the new appointment date is inconvenient, applicants can visit any BLS International centre after their rescheduled date and submit their passport application as a walk-in. No new appointment would be required for this purpose.
All other consular and visa services shall remain open and continue at BLS International centers across the UAE.